Profit Centers

Let companies advertise and engage your membership to generate revenue or secure marketing development dollars.  

Convey Portals can help Profit Centers to generate revenue or secure marketing development dollars. Create member subscriptions to generate monthly revenue. Offer portals as a standardized website with a continuous content feed.

Generate revenue

Generate Advertising Revenue

Generate revenue by selling advertising space on the portal home page. Companies purchase banner ads, sponsored ads or one of three feature boxes to raise their profile with your audience.

conduct campaign logo

Feature in Emails

Create a "featured" section in your portal newsletter and sell that slot to a business that wants to be promoted. Offer vendors custom emails to highlight their services.

Charge for content

Charge for Content Catalogs

Provide your suppliers or companies with a segment of your portal so they can engage your audience by adding marketing materials, product information or training to inspire your audience to sell or purchase their services.

Featured webinars

Featured Webinars

Create a sponsored webinar program so a company's webinar appears on your home page calendar, an invitation is delivered to portal members, and the webinar recording is featured after the event.

submit orders

Connected to Order Entry

Prospects or customers view product information, then can connect directly to your online order entry system to purchase products they are interested in.

deliver marketing campaigns

Deliver Marketing Campaigns

Use the Message Library to promote featured businesses to portal members. Charge businesses to be featured in Conduct email marketing campaigns that members deliver to potential prospects or customers.

Highlight member dashboards

Highlight in Member Dashboards

Offer a tile, banner ad or section in the member dashboard dedicated to the featured company.  Companies can feature content, promotions, special deals, or links back to their order entry systems.

Offer an ROI analysis

Offer an ROI Analysis

Provide participating advertisers, catalog owners, or companies with an ROI analysis showing views, clicks, and email outreach responses for programs they have paid  for.