Portal Networks

Convey links portals together to create a content and marketing distribution  network

Create a portal network to deliver content, training & marketing to multiple organizations.  Use portals as websites to upgrade online presence and add capabilities to inform, engage and market.  

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Hub & Spoke

Create portals and network them together with Convey's proprietary Hub & Spoke technology. Content, catalog management, advertising, and events are all created & managed in the hub site and duplicated on spoke portals. Reports detail viewer and member activity across the network.

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Sell Advertising

Generate revenue by selling advertising space on the home pages of spoke portals. Companies purchase banner ads, sponsored ads or one of three feature boxes to raise their profile with the members of the spoke portals and manage those ads on the hub portal.

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Segment into Catalogs

Segment the hub portal into content catalogs and assign others inside or outside your organization to manage them. Catalogs are duplicated on spoke portals including banner ads, contacts, web pages and content.

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Training & Events

Add live or webinar training events to the calendar on the hub site and have those events display on the calendars in one or more of the spoke portals. Invite individuals to participate from the hub, track who has registered and monitor who attends from a centralized location.

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Post and Duplicate

Post content, training and events in the hub portal and automatically post them to one or more of the spoke portals now or on a future date. Post types created on the hub portal (articles, case studies, etc. are automatically added to spoke portals.

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Generate Revenue

Allow 3rd parties to apply to become catalog owners to post information about their organizations. Create an application, approve or reject it, and have data in the application automatically added to the catalog CRM.

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Create Marketing Campaigns

Create Conduct™ email marketing campaigns on the hub and deliver them to a campaign library on spoke portals. Spoke site administrators add the campaigns to members' libraries so they can automatically deliver them to prospects or customers.

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Report on Activity

Spoke site portals record each time an individual logs in, visits a content catalog, interacts with posts, registers for an event, or fills out a form. It also records non-member views and the success of email campaigns. Access reports on activity across the network from the hub  portal.