
Convey Links Portals into a Network

Convey's portal technology connects stand-alone portals into an industry network where content, graphics and marketing are managed centrally and delivered to the portals that are connected. Industry associations, member groups, or other affinity groups can offer portals to their membership, populate them with content or training, and update the portals throughout the network.

Fund Your Organization

Convey portals are designed as a monthly, quarterly or annual subscription program. Get a wholesale price from Convey and invoice association members or receive a commission if they pay Convey directly. Add-on revenue comes from other services the industry association can provide such as content, advertising and banner production, videos, or email marketing campaigns delivered through the portal.

Efficient Distribution of Content & Marketing Assets

Portals can be connected to a centralized hub portal. Add content, marketing assets or email campaigns in the "hub" and selectively distribute those elements to any of the spoke portals connected to your organization. Now you can add an article, white paper, case study, or product slick once and duplicate it to other portal locations. The Conduct email marketing service lets you create drip email campaigns, deliver them to portals in the network so they can be sent to the marketplace.

Elevate Online Presence

Convey's portal technology is unique and designed to create a digital experience platform that functions not only as a website, but has many more capabilities. Portal services can transform a business by deepening the customer relationship, opening up marketing options, and increasing efficiency by having everything organized in one online location.

Get Expert Guidance

Convey has years of delivering portals to businesses in a variety of industries. We can teach you what works; how portals are configured, branded, and organized. We know how to use the technology to engage members, increase portal traffic, and get the best business results for your member organizations. We will support you throughout the sales and on-boarding process.

Flexible Portal Management

Convey can manage customer portals or you can manage them as part of your services. Once a portal is set up, the automation rotates content on and off the home page, adds posts to directories, generates recurring newsletters, and on-boards new members automatically.

Top-Notch Training

You will have a personal trainer to make sure you not only know how to use the features but know the strategy behind each feature's intent and how it helps the customer accomplish their goals. Training is also built into the administrative section with tutorials and hover over text. We can train your people and be your resource to train customers.

Advanced Notice on the Product Roadmap

Partners get advanced notice on new features, improvements and capabilities on the product roadmap. Have an opportunity to weigh in on what your clients need to create the best user experience possible.