

Episode 30 - The Gift of Efficiency

We help you get more done in fewer steps

For this MicroCast series we are focusing on the topic of gifts.  Now that doesn't mean we are going to teach you how to find those deals and steals, get you informed about the latest gadgets or help you with the coolest trending Christmas gift.  Rather, we are going to focus on the gifts that Convey's technology brings to master agents, vendors, carriers and partners to make their business lives easier.

I know tons of people who obsess over watching Marie Kondo show you how to fold things, organizers that keep clutter at bay, or gadgets that help you go faster and do more with less.  If you are efficient, you are likely much more to be effective in both your personal and business life.

Convey is built to give you the gift of efficiency.  Because we are a small company, we built our technology to be automated, manage processes without you having to intervene, onboard and manage partners, remind and message, and manage your communication and marketing.  For most everything in our portals or catalogs, you can just set it and forget it!

Let's start with automation.  If you've been in business long enough you have suffered through manual processes that create a time suck when you are trying to get things done.  What's worse, is that when processes are not automated, people forget to do things, make mistakes and focus way too much time in administration and not enough time on running the business.

Convey has the philosophy that it's so much easier on you to just "set it and forget it".  We automate how content and events are displayed on our portal home pages by automatically displaying events on the home page calendar, rotating content posts on and off the home page or adding content to directories when it's posted. 

It's now really efficient to keep your information from being old and out of date.  It's super frustrating for people to go look for an incentive only to find one that they get super excited about and find that it was for Q1 and now you are in Q3.  Sometimes it's hard to keep up with promotions that are out of date, events that have come and gone or anything that has expired.  Convey makes it easy and efficient for you to keep old stuff cleaned out by using our scheduling engine.   Take down any banner, event or piece of content by scheduling it to appear and then be removed when it's no longer relevant.

Let's talk about the efficiency you have in engaging the members of your portal.  You would likely stop looking at things unless you are reminded to do so.  Think about how many emails you get from that favorite vendor with new products, sneak peaks or special sales.  Retailers know that you have to see something a number of times before you click through, take a deeper look and buy that item that they have so diligently been promoting.

This process is no different when you think about getting your portal members to pay attention to you.  Convey's technology is built to engage its members and makes it efficient to do it.   Start by whether portal members are looking at all.  The system knows how long it's been since the last login and if that is too long, sends a gentle reminder to take a look.  The portal invites members to be responsive and take action vs. just look around.  You can add forms, links, registrations and other calls to action so portal members have something to do and not just something to look at.  You can send emails, newsletters and text reminders to get portal members to remember you are still out there thinking about them.

We make training much more efficient. New portal members can land on a dashboard that takes them through the product training they need, gives them more information about your partner program, and lets them know how to engage with your team.  You can monitor if they are getting what they need and where they are looking making your follow up with them much more targeted and efficient.  You can keep your training online and constantly refreshed so your audience can get the training they need when it's most convenient for them.


It pays to be efficient because if mundane and administrative tasks are managed for you by technology, you can engage in more useful business activities like selling, forming relationships, strategizing, or just enjoying your job.  Convey gives you the gift of efficiency each and every day you use our technology, whether you own a portal or manage a content catalog.