

Episode 28 - The Gift of Time

Save time in how you manage, message, onboard and connect with your partners

For this MicroCast series we are focusing on the topic of gifts.  Now that doesn't mean we are going to teach you how to find those deals and steals, get you informed about the latest gadgets or help you with the coolest trending Christmas gift.  Rather, we are going to focus on the gifts that Convey's technology brings to master agents, carriers vendors and sales agents to make their business lives easier.

If you ask just about anybody, the one gift we all want but often eludes most of us is the gift of time.   Imagine having hours back in your day so you don't have to work late hours, can spend more time with your family, get to the gym for that workout or just have time to sit down.  It's something we all strive for.

In the industries we serve, sales agents and master agents are small business owners, so they have to do it all from selling deals to managing accounts to doing all of the administration to run a business.  Vendors and carriers don't have it any better.  They have lots of people to satisfy, need to travel and attend events, and then keep both partners and their customers happy.  All of those things can suck time right out of the day with little left over for personal things.

Every day, Convey delivers the gift of more time by reducing the time it takes to distribute content, automate processes, managing messaging and outreach, and consolidating content in one place to eliminate wasted time searching all over the internet for what sellers need to serve their customers.  Let's take a look at some of those time-saving opportunities so you know they are out there and how to take advantage of them.

We save you time in getting the word out.  Marketing spends a lot of time developing product slicks, case studies, incentives, videos and marketing materials.  However, that time is wasted if it doesn't make it into a salesperson's hands.  That's where Convey's Hub and Spoke technology comes in.

Vendors and carriers have online catalogs where they can tell their story, let partners and producers know what segments of the market they play in, how their products and services fit in and why partners should pay attention.  A catalog is a blank canvas where marketing can paint any picture they want.  It's quick to add pages, banners, videos, and marketing materials, but the efficiency of getting that information into the hands of partners is time-savings magic.  Put a product slick online in the hub site, press the save button and it magically appears on every master agent portal. 

It's not enough to just get information online, you have to get people to pay attention and for portal owners this is automated.  Portals send out messages when new content is added, can automatically add content to the home page, and reminds portal members to come look.  All of these processes are automated, so no time is wasted in trying to get the word out.

We save you time looking for stuff. You can certainly find a lot of content on Convey's portals online, but the time it takes to search and look on different websites can be lengthy.  Portals put information in one online location and make that information easily searchable, saving time looking around.  If you are looking at a master agent portal with many vendors and carriers adding information, those vendors give you links to take a deeper dive, so you don't have to guess where to find it.

We save you time onboarding portal members.  So, you sign a partner or agency up, now what?  Sometimes training and onboarding people can be a time-intensive activity unless you have technology to help you.  If a partner wants to join your program, Convey's portal can take him through a sign-up process, get his login credentials in his hands, and create an educational experience once he logs in. 

If you keep your partner information in another CRM like Salesforce, you can add or change a partner record and automatically synch with your Convey portal so that partner record appears in Convey allowing them to login and explore.  There is no need to enter data twice.

We train and educate without you having to be there. New portal members can land on a dashboard that takes them through the product training they need, gives them more information about your program, and lets them know how to engage with your team.  You can monitor if people are getting what they need and where they are looking, making your follow up with them much more targeted and efficient.

Convey takes the time and tedium out of organizing your information. If your organization doesn't have a CRM system or if your company's CRM was built for the direct team and too complex, then organizing your data in Convey's portal is easy.  We took the complexity out of the CRM allowing you to customize the data you want to track without needing a consultant to help you.  And we help you organize everything.  There are separate CRMs inside the portal to organize member data, portal administrators, catalogs and even prospects.  We believe that you should spend far less time in administration and far more time working with your partners selling.


Time is something you never have enough of and in the industries we serve, no matter what role you play, master agent, vendor, carrier, producer or agency, getting the gift of time back is so important.  Convey saves time by helping you get the word out and in the hands of partners, consolidating information so you don't spend time looking, helping you train and onboard people and keeping everything organized.  Spend that gift in deepening your relationships, reconnecting with your family or just taking care of yourself.