

Episode 15 - 5 Reasons to Know About Convey Channel

Some of you listening to this Microcast don't know who Convey Channel is.  Others of you are wondering how we fit into your channel marketing strategy, and yet others are thinking about expanding your relationship us.  For those of you that don't know us, Convey Channel is designed to be part of your digital marketing strategy.  We run an industry content distribution and marketing network in the channel linking over 40 master agents with their vendors and distributing information to their 23,000 sales partners that subscribe to portals as members.

Here are 5 quick reasons to get to know the Convey Channel program, how we help bring efficiency to your communication strategy and how we help you get results.

First, Convey helps you eat a balanced marketing diet.

Being successful at channel marketing is like eating a balanced diet.  Some of us have been on these crazy diet plans where we eat an abundance of one food to the exclusion of others.  For me, it's the cabbage soup diet.   But once you are into your diet, you start to crave the foods that aren't part of the plan.  Channel marketing is no different.  If you don't vary the menu, partners will get tired of your meal and start looking elsewhere for something more satisfying.   Consider the Convey Channel program to be part of that balanced diet because it puts your information online, keeps it available 24/7 and if you do a good job adding content, provides partners with a satisfying meal every time they look at you.

Convey promote efficiency and convenience for you and the partner

The channel has experienced explosive growth in the last 5 years.  Before the cloud, cybersecurity and the move to wireless, partners only had to keep up with a few network vendors, not hundreds of them.  And the number of partners selling services has expanded with the entry of VARs, MSPs and other non-traditional referral partners.  

You don't have the time to get information in everyone's hands if you don't use automation and partners don't have time to search the web for all things hosted voice and the other services they sell. Convey's portals puts your information in a single place, make it convenient for partners to find it, help the master agent out because he doesn't have to distribute it and makes it more efficient for channel marketing to manage it.

Third reason: We empower you to define your partner program

Let's face it.  Most of you don't really want or need every partner out there to try and sell your services. You could try that strategy you end up with endless quotes, frustrated partners and very few deals.  You have to define who you want to do business with, both on the partner and customer side.  Catalog owners inside a Convey master agent portal use pages and content posts to define their program, focus partners on the type of accounts that are in the vendor's sweet spot, and what partnership benefits are part of their channel program.

4th, Convey creates opportunities to engage

Just having content to read with no call to action makes it very difficult for a vendor to see if the strategy of having a digital presence is really working.  Partners that look at a vendor catalog on any of our master agent or vendor portals need a call to action, and Convey Channel is designed to help partners engage with you by requesting quotes, registering for webinars, requesting access to your partner portal, or filling out contact forms.

And last, but not least, Convey keeps your company top of mindshare

Channel programs rely too heavily on face to face encounters with partners, but the fact is that when the event is over and the partner is on the way home, most of the information they learned is already on the way out the window.  The Convey Channel program gives vendors a digital strategy to reinforce their message and stay in front of partners even when channel managers are not with them.  The fight for mindshare has never been more intense than it is in today's channel.


So, as you think about next year, your channel strategy and how you will invest your marketing dollars, we think you should get to know Convey Channel.  We help programs balance their marketing strategy by adding a digital element, get information to partners quickly and efficiently, help you define who you are and the partnerships you want, create calls to action and always be present so when a partner goes looking, they find you.

The next microcasts will dive deeper into how we deliver our commitments to be that trusted partner in the channel that can help you attract more partners, keep them informed, and motivate them to refer.  But you don't have to wait for those microcasts to drop, just touch base and we'll be happy to show you Convey Channel's program.